Speed-Tech UK Launches New Website To Improve Digital Presence

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Speed-Tech UK: Soaring to New Heights in Air Cargo Excellence

 In the bustling realm of air cargo haulage, we’d like to think that our company stands out as a true titan—SpeedTech UK.  Our journey began at London Heathrow Airport, where we took airport transfers by storm, specialising in air cargo transport services between cargo agents and airline sheds. Fast forward to 2018, a pivotal year that marked our foray into the digital frontier with the creation of our first website, a testament to our commitment to advancing airline transfer trucking services.

An Expanding Transport Odyssey

In just five short years, SpeedTech UK has undergone a monumental transformation. What started as a modest venture has become a much larger operation boasting a fleet of 80 vehicles and 70 trailers. Our services have expanded, and we now navigate air cargo transport with a nationwide presence, ensuring our services reach every corner of the United Kingdom.

Unveiling the Future: The New SpeedTech UK Website

Today, we are thrilled to unveil the next stage of our journey—the new and vastly expanded SpeedTech UK website. This digital platform serves as a dynamic showcase, presenting not only our diverse fleet of vehicles but also an exhaustive array of services that sets us apart in the competitive air cargo landscape.


Our Sales Director, Andy Armsden, was guiding this transformative project. Tasked with bringing our vision to life, Andy entrusted the project to the skilled hands of a local web development team based at Heathrow Airport. Bixcliz, the chosen architect for the digital transformation, specialises in cargo and transport web solutions. According to Andy Armsden, the decision to collaborate with Bizclix was a strategic one. Their combined knowledge of the air cargo industry and their expertise in web design and SEO practices ensured that the new website met and exceeded our expectations.


Future Connectivity: A Gateway to Efficiency


Designed to ensure seamless connectivity to our technology roadmap, the new website enables our customers to link to our online services directly. With a document download facility, including the convenience of submitting Account Credit Applications online, we envision substantial time savings for our clients and admin team. The user-friendly interface ensures a smooth navigation experience, providing clients with quick access to the necessary information.


Looking to the Future


As the virtual door opens on our new website, it symbolises more than just a digital presence; it signifies a commitment to excellence, innovation, and efficiency. SpeedTech UK is not merely a cargo haulier; we are pioneers in the air cargo industry, redefining standards and setting new benchmarks for the future.


SpeedTech UK’s remarkable journey from a London-based air cargo haulier to a nationwide presence is a testament to our dedication and the trust our clients place in us. Launching our new website is not just an announcement; it’s an invitation to join us as we continue to push boundaries and elevate the air cargo road transport experience.

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